Prior to a medical assistant performing technical supportive services, a medical assistant shall receive training, as necessary, in the judgment of the supervising physician, podiatrist, or instructor to ensure the medical assistant is competent in performing that service.
Medical assistants shall be trained by a licensed physician, podiatrist, registered nurse, licensed vocational nurse, a physician assistant, or a qualified medical assistant.
Medical assistants shall be trained in a postsecondary or adult education program in a public school authorized by the Department of Education, in a community college program provided for in the Education Code, or a postsecondary institution accredited or approved by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education in the Department of Consumer Affairs.
For medical assistants to administer medications by intramuscular, subcutaneous, and intradermal injections, to perform skin tests, or to perform venipuncture or skin puncture for the purposes of withdrawing blood, a medical assistant shall complete the minimum training prescribed in the regulations.
Training shall be for the duration required by the medical assistant to demonstrate to the supervising physician, podiatrist, or instructor. Where applicable, training shall include no less than:
- 10 clock hours of training in administering injections and performing skin tests;
- 10 hours of training in venipuncture and skin puncture for the purpose of withdrawing blood;
- at least 10 of each intramuscular, subcutaneous, and intradermal injections and 10 skin tests, and/or at least 10 venipuncture and 10 skin punctures;
- 10 hours of training in administering medical by inhalation; and
- Training in the above shall include instruction and demonstration in:
- pertinent anatomy and physiology appropriate to the procedures;
- choice of equipment;
- proper technique including sterile technique;
- hazards and complications;
- patient care following treatment or tests;
- emergency procedures; and
- California law and regulations for medical assistants
In every instance, prior to administration of medicine by a medical assistant, a licensed physician or podiatrist, or another appropriate licensed person shall verify the correct medication and dosage. The supervising physician or podiatrist must authorize any technical supportive services performed by the medical assistant and that supervising physician or podiatrist must be physically present in the treatment facility when procedures are administered, except as provided in section 2069(a) of the Business and Professions Code.