Steven M. Thompson Physician Corps Loan Repayment Program
The Steven M. Thompson Physician Corps Loan Repayment Program (STLRP) encourages recently licensed physicians to practice in underserved locations in California by authorizing a plan for repayment of their educational loans, up to $105,000, in exchange for their service in a designated underserved area for a minimum of three years.
The Steven M. Thompson Physician Corps Loan Repayment Program is handled by the Health Professions Education Foundation (HPEF), a non-profit foundation housed in the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. Supported by grants, donations, licensing fees, and special funds, HPEF provides scholarship, loan repayment and programs to students and graduates who agree to practice in California's medically underserved communities.
The Board administered this program before it transitioned to HPEF on July 1, 2006. For historical purposes, the following two legislative reports are available online. For all other information about the program, please contact HPEF.