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Physicians and Surgeons

A Physician or Surgeon (M.D.) is an individual issued a license allowing them to practice medicine. A physician may diagnose, prescribe, and administer treatment to individuals suffering from injury or disease.

Medical Schools Recognized by the Medical Board of California

Applicants must have received all of their medical school education from and graduated from a:

  1. U.S. or Canadian medical school accredited by the Liaison Committee for Medical Education (LCME), the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools, or the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation; or
  2. A foreign medical school which has been evaluated by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) or one of the ECFMG authorized foreign medical school accreditation agencies and deemed to meet the minimum requirements substantially equivalent to the requirements of medical schools accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools, or the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation.

    The foreign medical school is listed on the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) and the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) World Directory of Medical Schools joint directory, or the World Directory of Medical Schools; or

  3. A foreign medical school that has been approved by the Medical Board of California (Board).
    • Jordan

      • Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology
      • Hashemite University Faculty of Medicine
      • Mu'tah University Faculty of Medicine
      • University of Jordan Faculty of Medicine

Please Note Osteopathic physicians (D.O.): Please contact the Osteopathic Medical Board of California or the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), for specific information on postgraduate training for osteopathic medical school graduates. The medical school information on this website pertains to allopathic medical schools only.