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The Board's newsletter, Medical Board of California News, is published quarterly in the winter, spring, summer, and fall.

Medical Board of California News

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The Board's Mission

The mission of the Medical Board of Californians to protect health care consumers through the proper licensing and regulation of physicians and surgeons and certain allied health care professionals and through the vigorous, objective enforcement of the Medical Practice Act, and to promote access to quality medical care through the Board's licensing and regulatory functions.

Need a Speaker?

If you would like a speaker from the Medical Board of California to address your organization, please contact us.

Editor's Spotlight

By Emmalee Ross, Designer and Editor in Chief

With 2022 just around the corner, The Medical Board of California (Board) strongly urges physicians to become familiar with Assembly Bill 2789 requiring prescribers to write all prescriptions, with limited exceptions, electronically. The law goes into effect on January 1, 2022.

The Board recently underwent a website makeover to improve accessibility for users with disabilities and provide a cleaner and easier user experience. Learn more about the upgrades and made to the website in our MBC Launches Website Redesign article.

Don't miss our newest Our Partners column, with information from the California Department of Public Health regarding an FDA Class I recall of blood tests, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on STI treatment guidelines, and UC San Diego training dates for their Driving Safety Program for healthcare providers.

President's Message: New Changes on the Horizon

By Kristina D. Lawson

Senate Bill (SB) 806, the Board's sunset review bill, brings significant changes to the Medical Board of California (Board). The bill was signed by Governor Newsom in October, changing the way the Board regulates California physicians and surgeons, and certain allied healthcare professionals.

Details about SB 806 can be found on the California Legislative Information website. I urge everyone to become familiar with them as they will shape the Board's work for the next two years. I would like to thank the state Legislature and all stakeholders for working with the Board and our staff on this important piece of legislation.

The Board recently published its Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Annual Report. In an effort to help the public better understand the Board's complaint process, a new narrative was added to the report (page 11) discussing the Board's Central Complaint Unit. The narrative breaks down the complaint process, including, when complaints may not proceed to disciplinary action against physicians - allowing for transparency and clarity.

Lastly, I would like to welcome Dr. James Healzer to the Board. Dr. Healzer was appointed to the Board in 2021 by Governor Newsom. He is Chair of the Chiefs of Quality for The Permanente Medical Group and Staff Anesthesiologist at the Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center. Welcome to the Board, Dr. Healzer.

Medical Board of California Launches Website Redesign

By Carlos Villatoro, Public Information Manager

If you have noticed something different about the Medical Board of California's (Board) website lately, you are not alone. The Board launched a sweeping redesign of its public website July 2021, making multiple updates to improve the user experience.

The Board's redesigned website conforms with the latest Web Standards established by the California Department of Technology to build user-centered, accessible, and mobile-friendly government websites.

The homepage received a substantial upgrade with a more simple and clean design that promotes compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and faster load times for all users. The homepage retained some popular features from its previous version, including an alert bar for urgent messages and a news section featuring the top three most recent Board news items.

To enhance access to updated information, the Board's web team also created a News webpage, where users can find Board news releases, newsletters, public services announcements, videos, and podcasts.

Several of the previous site's sections received upgrades, highlights include:

  • Each meeting in the About Us section received its own dedicated page of information, containing the meeting agenda, materials, video, and minutes - providing quick and easy access to users.
  • The Consumer Section was expanded to educate consumers on a variety of topics such as the Board's complaint process and what is/is not within the Board's jurisdiction. There are separate subsections dedicated to various consumer topics, including, statutes of limitations for filing a complaint, the quality of care, physician conduct, prescribing, physician impairment, sexual misconduct, and the unlicensed practice of medicine.
  • The Applicants and Licensees sections have been merged into one section titled, Licensing. The new section is designed to be more intuitive and direct as it is categorized by license type.
  • The redesigned Enforcement section organizes all enforcement-related topics into one area and provides specific information for licensees who had a complaint filed against them, including what to expect during the Board's investigation process and information for licensees on probation.
  • A designated Resources section contains all the Board's forms, brochures, publications, statistics, and other helpful information on various topics.
  • The site features a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) repository. All FAQs have been consolidated into a single location where the most asked questions are displayed by default, with a wide variety of topics available to search or browse.
  • A simpler Contact page has a new "Send a Message to the Board" feature. By selecting a message topic and completing the form, requests are routed immediately to the unit responsible for each specific topic.

The website will be continually improved to enhance its usefulness to the public. The Board highly encourages healthcare consumers, licensees, and stakeholders to explore the redesigned website, become familiar with applicable resources and information, and offer feedback via our contact form.

Consumer Corner: Five Tips for Selecting a Physician

By Emmalee Ross, Public Information Manager

Choosing the right healthcare provider can seem like a daunting task. Will you like them? Will they like you? Will they be invested in you as a patient and offer the quality of care you deserve?

These are valid questions, and the Medical Board of California (Board) would like to help make the process of finding the right healthcare provider for you a little easier.

Here are five things to consider when choosing a physician.

  1. Ask Around - Reach out to your local family and friends for recommendations. Taking a referral from someone you know and trust is often a step in the right direction.
  2. In-Network - If you have health insurance, review your policy and note any restrictions on choosing a provider. Most likely, your insurance will have a list of approved providers. However, once you decide on a physician, follow up with their office to verify they currently accept your insurance provider and haven't changed networks without updating their information.
  3. Do Your Research - The Board is a big proponent of verifying a California physician's medical license before you make an appointment. You can do this by visiting our License Verification webpage (or downloading our mobile app) and searching for a physician's profile by their name or license number.
    A physician's profile contains useful information about California-licensed physicians, as authorized by the law including, the status of the physician's license and whether they've had administrative or disciplinary action taken against their license by the Board or another State or Federal Government Agency. The profile also includes information regarding the physician's practice location and the physician's specialty or areas of practice.
  4. Make Contact - Once you have chosen a physician you'd like to move forward with, call their office to verify they are accepting new patients. If so - before health needs arise - you may consider requesting a consultation with your physician. This gives you the opportunity to get a feel for the office staff, the length of time to receive an appointment, get to know your physician, and make them aware of any health concerns.
  5. Don't Settle - When it comes to your health and choosing a doctor, intuition (paired with research) may be your best friend. Trust your gut if you don't believe the doctor or their staff have met your needs - there will be another one who will. Don't be afraid to keep looking, the right physician for you is out there.

If you have any questions about your physician's license, please reach out to the Board via our contact form or calling us toll free, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at (800) 633-2322.

Cures Fee Increase Notice

The Medical Board of California (Board) would like to inform you that the fee charged to maintain the Controlled Substances Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) is set to increase from $6 to $11 for licenses that expire on or after July 1, 2021, pursuant to AB 3330.

Most Board licensees will see a $22 CURES Fee at the time of license renewal, due to the biennial renewal cycle. The fee covers the reasonable regulatory costs of the Department of Justice for operating and maintaining CURES, a critical element in the state's effort to address the growing danger of opioid addiction stemming from prescription drug abuse.

The fee will then decrease to $18 for licenses expiring on or after July 1, 2023. For more information about CURES, visit:

Medical Board Chat Podcast

Did You Know?

The Medical Board of California (Board) has its very own podcast where we chat all things from new and changing legislation, to one-on-one interviews with Board management and Board members.

You can check out the episodes we currently have published on our website, and sign up for the Subscriber Alerts "News" topic to be updated when a new podcast episode is released.

CME Gets Paperless Upgrade

By Emmalee Ross, Public Information Officer

Going paperless is more important than ever during the age of COVID-19, and the Medical Board of California (Board) is taking steps to transition from paper-based licensing processes to digital ones.

Following the launch of the Board's Direct Online Certification Submission portal, our Licensing Program collaborated with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to improve processes for Continuing Medical Education (CME) providers, the Board's licensees, and staff processes.

With this collaboration, CME providers can report completed CME data about California licensees directly to the ACCME Program and Activity Reporting System (PARS). The Board will have the ability to view this data online, streamlining processes for Board staff and licensees.

I sat down with our Chief of Licensing, Marina O'Connor, to learn more about the collaboration.

Q: How have CMEs been audited by the Board?

A: Currently when we audit licensees, they either mail in, or email the completed CME verification. Even though it can be done through email, we still get a lot of paper verifications mailed to us. It's a completely manual process for the physician to track, and make sure they have records of their completed CME and provide it to us when audited.

Q: If CME providers use PARS to enter physician's CME data electronically, then licensees no longer have to self-report their CME credits when audited?

A: Correct. Ideally, Board staff will look them up in the system and find their verification of CME credits that meet our requirements. The only time we'd have to engage with licensees is if the system didn't show they had 50 CME credits. As CME providers start registering, physicians might be more inclined to go to those providers knowing they don't have to follow up or do anything further with their CME credits.

Q: Will this improve staff processes?

A: Absolutely. Currently, we send licensees a letter and give them a time limit of 60 days to provide verification. We're cutting out that whole process for any physician whose CME credits are uploaded to this online system. We don't have to send out a letter and wait - we can just look them up. The impact on the Board (and an improvement in staff processes) will only be determined by how many CME providers, are uploading CME-completion data to PARS. Otherwise, staff will continue the manual process of sending out letters and waiting the appropriate amount of time to audit physicians' CME credits.

Q: What is the overall goal with this collaboration?

A: As with all our licensing processes, we're trying to eliminate paper. Having an online database eliminates any need for mail or printing of those documents. This has already been a goal, but something we're trying to get to a little quicker because of COVID - everything is being done remotely. Also, any time you eliminate paper, you eliminate costs for the licensees and the Board.

California CME Providers will begin uploading physician CME-completion data in the coming months. The ACCME and Board will notify providers and licensees.

Learn more on ACCME's website.

Reminder: Mandatory e-prescriptions Begin January 1, 2022

By Emmalee Ross, Public Information Officer

Beginning January 1, 2022, all prescriptions issued by a licensed prescriber will need to be done electronically pursuant to Assembly Bill (AB) 2789.

The law requires all prescriptions in California be issued as an electronic data transmission prescription (e-prescription), however, it provides certain exemptions including, if an e-prescription is temporarily unavailable because of technological or electrical failure, or if the prescription is dispensed by a pharmacy located outside California. The exemptions to these requirements are included within Business and Professions Code section 688.

Under this law, a healthcare practitioner who does not issue a controlled substance prescription via e-prescription shall document the reason as soon as practicable, and within 72 hours of any technological or electrical failure.

Healthcare practitioners who fail to meet the requirements of AB 2789, will be referred to the appropriate state professional licensing board solely for administration sanctions, as determined by the appropriate licensing board.

The Board recommends that all licensed prescribers have paper prescription forms available that meet the requirements of Health and Safety Code section 11162.1, should a technological or electrical failure prevent a prescription from being issued electronically.

For additional information about these requirements, please visit the Board's AB 2789 Resources Page and podcast regarding e-prescriptions.

Central Complaint Unit Medical Consultants Needed

The Medical Board of California's (Board) Central Complaint Unit is accepting applications for the Medical Consultant Program.

Medical Consultants review complaints to determine whether a formal investigation by Board investigative staff is needed, or if the complaint can be resolved by a preliminary review of the medical records and a physician narrative statement.

Participating physicians are reimbursed $75 per hour for record review and report preparation.

If you are interested, please contact Therese Kelly at (916) 263-2434 or Mai Chang at (916) 263-2463. The application and eligibility requirements are available from our website.

While all specialties are welcome to apply, the Board is in need of physicians with the specialties below:

  • Cardiac Surgery
  • Colon and Rectal Surgery
  • Dermatology
  • Gynecology
  • Interventional Cardiology
  • Interventional Radiology
  • Neonatal/Perinatal
  • Neurological Surgery
  • Pain Medicine
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Thoracic Surgery
  • Vascular Surgery

For the Love of Pediatrics, Dr. Alison Shuman: STLRP Grant Recipient

By Emmalee Ross, Public Information Officer

At six years old, Alison Shuman, M.D., had a great fear she was going to fail high school. Not because she wasn't smart, or because she didn't love to read - in fact, she loved learning - but as a kid, Shuman couldn't keep up in her mom's nursing classes.

"When she had no one to watch me, she would take me to class with her and I would take notes," laughs Shuman, whose mother was an intensive care nurse. "I was terrified I would fail high school because I couldn't take notes fast enough. Anytime they said a word I didn't know I would attempt to write it out and fall further and further behind."

With nursing school sparking her adolescent interest in science and medicine, Shuman began reading the encyclopedia, and books about cystic fibrosis and leukemia. At age 10, she set a goal of one day attending medical school. Eventually absolving her childhood fears by successfully completing high school.

"I'm a full-grown Jersey girl," says Shuman, who grew up in, and attended undergrad and medical school at the University of Medicine and Dentistry in Newark, New Jersey (now named Rutgers New Jersey Medical School). "I joke that I went all the way across the bridge for residency (in New York), that was a big move for me."

Today, Shuman does both hospital and general pediatrics as the Director of Pediatric Hospital Medicine at Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura, and as a full time General Pediatrician at the Centers for Family Health in Oxnard. She also manages Pediatric Medical Education at the hospital and in the outpatient setting at the Centers for Family Health.

A competitive powerlifter who holds records in California, Shuman explains how she thought she made a mistake 20 years into her medical journey before finding and falling in love with her pediatrics rotation.

"I'm very silly and you can do that with kids - you can honk their noses and make jokes, you just can't do that with adult wouldn't go over the same," says Shuman, who comes across naturally energetic and lively. "You couldn't pay me to take care of adults."

Fourteen years later, and she wouldn't change a thing. Seeing about 25 to 35 kids a day in her out-patient office, Shuman takes care of kids from birth to 18 years old before sending them off to adult care.

"I really enjoy being a sense of security for the kids, taking something that might be really scary and making it any amount less terrifying to them," she says.

Along with her out-patient work, she also incorporates eight, 24-hour shifts a month at the hospital taking care of well newborns, doing emergency room consultations, and admitting pediatric patients.

One of Shuman's favorite aspects of her job is seeing the conversation surrounding transgender youth evolve.

"Working with teenagers is not always easy, but I've found I take a lot of pleasure in opening the door for these kids to talk about themselves and give them a safe space," says Shuman. "A lot of times they don't think their parents will be supportive, and I can start that conversation."

Becoming the middle ground for children and their parents allows Shuman to mediate communication that might not otherwise happen, offering support and resources. And most of the time, parents are incredibly supportive.

"The next time I see that patient, I see the difference," says Shuman, whose youngest transgender patient is six, but identified at three years old. "Most of them have severe issues with anxiety, depression, and suicidality. Seeing the shift and how much better they're doing after the conversation with their parents - that they're able to be who they authentically are - it's remarkable."

In 2016, Shuman received the Steven M. Thompson Loan Repayment Program (STLRP) grant - created to increase healthcare access in medically underserved areas of California.

"I'm so grateful the program exists," says Shuman, who absolutely loves serving the community where she works. "I never expected anything but to pay my own way through school, and to have a portion of that alleviated was a true gift from above."

Working with predominately low-income, Hispanic families, whose children are first-generation Americans, Shuman has made it her mission to speak Spanish fluently, offering her families the best, well-rounded care she can provide.

"I feel like they're a population who typically gets inconsistent care and seeing a different doctor every visit," says Shuman. "I was very well-trained, coming from a big academic center, and it means a lot to give those patients really good quality, pediatric care they would get from a private pediatrician."

Even though she says her Spanish isn't perfect, Shuman, who has around 80 percent Spanish-speaking patients, has learned the language over the past 13 years and loves to communicate with her families without a translator.

"I listen to how my patients talk to me and how my nurses and receptionists talk to patients so I can learn how to conjugate," she says. "I really enjoy knowing they get to feel the security, trusting their physician has their child's best interest at heart, and isn't cutting corners or taking shortcuts for them."

To Shuman, it's never been about the money, it's about the quality of care she can provide to her patients - even during her on-call shifts, when she's waking up in the middle of the night tending to a sick child.

"How do I get myself up when I'm exhausted? Remembering it's not about me, and whatever difficulty I'm having. The patient in the hospital and their family are suffering much more," says Shuman. "I'm lucky I get to go in, see them, and come back home, because those patients - whether they're acutely ill or chronically ill - that's their day-to-day life, they don't get to walk away from it."

Shuman encourages everyone to pursue a life in medicine by becoming a doctor if that's their passion.

"If you love caring for people and being a pathway and catalyst for them becoming better, then that overcomes all the exhaustion at the end of the day," says Shuman.

Physicians and surgeons interested in applying for the Steven M. Thompson Physician Corps Loan Repayment Program can find eligibility requirements, application deadlines and notifications on the California Department of Health Care Access and Information STLRP webpage, by contacting HCAI, or calling 916-326-3640.

You Asked for It: Common Questions Received from the Web

By Alexandria Schembra, Public Information Analyst

I see on your website that medical assistants are permitted to perform nasal smears if the procedure is limited to the opening of the nasal cavity. Does this mean my medical assistant is permitted to perform COVID testing? No. Medical assistants are not permitted to perform COVID testing where the swab must extend beyond the opening of the nasal cavity.

Are medical assistants allowed to provide COVID test results to patients? Pursuant to the California Code of Regulations Title 16 Section 1366, medical assistants may, as authorized by the physician or podiatrist, provide patient information and instructions.

Now that the COVID vaccine is available to all, can my medical assistant administer the vaccine? Yes. Medical assistants can currently administer COVID vaccines if they have the appropriate training and if they have the specific authorization and supervision required by existing law. Please visit the Board's website for more information on the use of medical assistants.

Properly Documenting Patient Interactions is Key to Defending Against Fraud Charges

By Julie Brown, Consumer Services Analyst, Central Complaint Unit

The Medical Board of California (Board) receives numerous complaints from, or on behalf of, elderly patients, alleging that they, Medicare, or Medicaid were billed for services by a medical doctor that never occurred.

Upon receiving a signed medical consent from the patient, the Board sends the physician or facility a request for medical records and a written statement in response to the allegations. In most of these cases, in which the Board has found a violation of the Medical Practice Act, the doctor has no medical records for the patient and, most importantly, no consent form signed by the patient for services to be rendered.

Any physician who does not maintain adequate and accurate medical records, including informed consent, is subjecting their license to possible disciplinary action by the Board.

In addition to the possibility of formal disciplinary action by the Board, physicians are also subject to federal charges for submitting or causing false claims to be submitted to Medicare or Medicaid.

Don't let this happen to you. The most important thing a physician can do is document any and all interactions with their patients., In the event that a complaint is filed against a physician, having adequate and accurate medical records as required by Business and Professions Code section 2266 may help disprove allegations of fraud.

In addition, physicians should obtain either the patient's or the patient's representative's written informed consent for any procedures to be performed.

In short, maintaining adequate and accurate medical records is not only required by law, but doing so can facilitate the evaluation and resolution of complaints filed with the Board.

Expert Reviewer Ad: MBC Needs You!

If you live in CA and have a full-time active practice in CA, apply to be an Expert Reviewer for MBC.


The Medical Board of California (Board) established its Expert Reviewer Program in July 1994 as an impartial and professional means to support its investigation and enforcement functions. Expert Reviewers (Experts)assist the Board by providing reviews and opinions on board cases and conducting medical and psychiatric evaluations.


Actively practicing physicians from all other specialties not listed are also welcome to apply and participate in the program. Physicians must be board certified, have been practicing their specialty for a minimum of three years after board certification, have no current complaints, no prior discipline, and must be willing and available to testify in court.


The Board also needs midwife expert reviewers throughout the state of California. Licensed midwives must have an active midwifery practice for the past two years, have no current complaints, no prior discipline, and must be willing and available to testify in court.


For more information regarding compensation and how to apply, please visit our website or e-mail the Board's Medical Expert Program.

The Board is looking for experts in the following specialties:

  • Addiction Medicine with added certification in Family or Internal or Psychiatry
  • Clinical Genetics
  • Colon/Rectal Surgery
  • Dermatology
  • Family Medicine
  • Gastroenterology
  • Hematology
  • Neurological Surgery
  • Neurology
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology (with added expertise in Gynecologic Oncology)
  • Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Pathology (preferably from the following counties: Orange, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, and Ventura)
  • Pain Medicine
  • Pediatric Gastroenterology
  • Pediatric Surgery
  • Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
  • Pediatric Critical Care
  • Pediatric Pulmonology
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Psychiatry (Forensic and Addiction)
  • Radiation Oncology
  • Surgery (General and Endocrine Surgery)
  • Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery
  • Urology (General and Gender Reassignment)
  • Vascular Surgery
  • Midwife Reviewer

AB 890: Defining the Scope of Practice for Nurse Practitioners without Standardized Procedures

In late 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill (AB) 890 into law, which creates a pathway to allow qualified Nurse Practitioners (NPs) to function independently, within a defined scope of practice.

With the passing of the bill, NPs with certain education, experience, and certification requirements may, in certain settings or organizations, order, perform, and interpret diagnostic procedures, certify disability, and prescribe, administer, dispense, and furnish controlled substances without standardized procedures.

According to AB 890, the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) must take specified steps to identify and assess NP competencies, including possibly developing a supplemental examination for their licensees. BRN is actively working to determine the appropriate qualifications for NPs who desire to practice under the authority offered by AB 890.

As required by AB 890, BRN established a Nurse Practitioner Advisory Committee (NPAC), to give BRN recommendations concerning all matters relating to NPs, including recommendations and guidance on disciplinary matters. The NPAC was established earlier this year and is providing recommendations to the BRN on the implementation of AB 890.

The Medical Board of California (Board) has been monitoring the BRN's work on AB 890 and receives quarterly updates at Board meetings from the BRN's Executive Officer. Once available, the Board may evaluate and comment on regulations proposed by BRN that implement AB 890.

For more information, please visit BRN's AB 890 webpage.

Our Partners: CDC Releases Updated Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment Guidelines

By The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released its Sexually Transmitted Infections Treatment Guidelines, 2021, providing current evidence-based diagnostic, management, and treatment recommendations, and serving as a source of clinical guidance for managing sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The new guidelines include notable updates from the previous 2015 guidance, including:

  • Updated treatment recommendations for chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Updated treatment recommendations for uncomplicated gonorrhea in neonates, children, and other specific clinical situations (e.g., proctitis, epididymitis, sexual assault), which builds on broader treatment changes published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
  • Information on FDA-cleared diagnostic tests for Mycoplasma genitalium and rectal and pharyngeal chlamydia and gonorrhea.
  • Expanded risk factors for syphilis testing among pregnant patients.
  • Recommended two-step serologic testing for diagnosing genital herpes simplex virus.
  • Harmonized recommendations for human papillomavirus vaccination with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
  • Recommended universal hepatitis C testing in alignment with CDC's 2020 hepatitis C testing recommendations.

For questions about the updated 2021 STI Treatment Guidelines, you can contact the Clinical Team in CDC's Division of STD Prevention. You can also contact the California Department of Public Health STD Control Branch.

Our Partners: FDA Issues a Class I recall for the use of LeadCare II, LeadCare Plus, and LeadCare Ultra Blood Tests by Magellan

By The California Department of Public Health

Magellan Diagnostics has recalled its LeadCare II, LeadCare Plus, and LeadCare Ultra Blood Lead test kits due to a significant risk of falsely low results, which may lead to health risks especially in special populations such as young children and those who may be pregnant or lactating. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall.

Use of these test kits may lead to serious injury when true elevated lead level results are missed, and falsely low results are obtained. Untreated elevated lead levels may lead to patient harm including delayed puberty, reduced postnatal growth, decreased IQ, and attention and behavior problems in children.

What is recalled:

  • LeadCare II, LeadCare Plus, and LeadCare Ultra Blood Lead test kits
  • Lot Codes:
    • LeadCare II: 2013M, 2014M, 2015M, 2016M, 2017M, 2101M, 2103M, 2105M
    • LeadCare Plus and LeadCare Ultra: 2011MU, 2104MU, 2108MU
  • Manufacturing Dates: October 26, 2020 to May 20, 2021
  • Distribution Dates: October 27, 2020 to June 15, 2021
  • Date Initiated by Firm: May 28, 2021

CDC recommendations for retesting:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sent a Health Alert Network (HAN) notification on July 6, 2021, with retesting recommendations for medical providers.

  • Retest children who were tested with the recalled LeadCare test kits whose results were less than 5 µg/dL, the current CDC-recommended blood lead reference value. Retesting should be done with a venous blood sample analyzed with higher complexity testing such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry or graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS).
  • Retest children who were previously tested with a LeadCare test kit if the lot number of the initial test kit is unknown and the test was done between October 27, 2020, and July 6, 2021, the date of the CDC health advisory.
  • Priority for retesting should be given to:
    • Children where there is clinical concern that symptoms or developmental problems may be related to lead exposure,
    • Populations at higher risk of elevated blood lead levels, such as children tested due to Medicaid-required screening or due to other state or local requirements, and
    • Individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Discuss the recall and retesting recommendations with a parent and/or caregiver of children who meet the retesting criteria.

Laboratories and provider offices are recommended to:

  • Discontinue use of all test kits identified in the recall and quarantine all remaining inventory.
  • Evaluate patient test results obtained using the affected test kits.
  • Confirm suspected test results with an alternative lead testing option, sent to a high complexity, CLIA-certified reference laboratory using inductive coupled mass spectrometer or graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry.

Laboratories and health provider offices may continue to use the following products and lot numbers:

  • LeadCare II lots 2012M, 2018M, and 2102M.

Questions about this recall:

For questions, contact Magellan's LeadCare Product Support Team at 1-800-275-0102 or via contact form.

Administrative Actions: February 1, 2021 - April 30, 2021

Physicians and Surgeons

AGNEW, RICHARD C. (C 28577), Newport Beach, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence and repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of one patient. Surrender of License. April 14, 2021.

AHAD, GEORGE, M.D. (A 111064), Anaheim, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with repeated negligent acts and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of two patients. Physician must complete a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. April 23, 2021.

AL-NAHHAL, RAMY IBRAHIM, M.D. (A 109554), Bakersfield, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for departing from the standard of care by prescribing medications without review of risk and failed to follow up with the patient for further medical testing. February 2, 2021.

AMORN, ALLEN MICHAEL, M.D. (A 94230), Mason, OH, Decision and Order

Disciplined by the State Medical Board of Ohio for unfitness to practice because of mental illness affecting competency, and convicted of a misdemeanor, one count of disorderly conduct. Revoked, stayed, placed on thirty-five (35) months' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, attending psychotherapy and submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties. April 22, 2021.

ANARI, ALI, M.D. (A 131998), Porter Ranch, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for departing from the standard of care by failing to prepare timely medical records and for impermissible use of personal health information. February 25, 2021.

ANDREY, JEFFREY WILLIAM, M.D. (G 84047), Del Mar, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but was charged with using alcohol in a manner as to be dangerous or injurious to himself, another person, or to the public; unprofessional conduct; and was convicted of a misdemeanor, one count of battery of a current or former significant other. Revoked, stayed, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, abstaining from the use of controlled substances; abstaining from the use of alcohol; submitting to biological fluid testing; providing 40 hours of medical or non-medical community service; completing an ethics course; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. March 5, 2021.

ANIC, SVETLANA, M.D. (A 72349), Coalinga, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence; repeated negligent acts; dishonest or corrupt acts; self-prescribed drugs or using drugs in a manner as to be dangerous or injurious to herself, another person, or to the public; unprofessional conduct; and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of a patient. Revoked, stayed, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, prohibited from ordering, prescribing, dispensing, administering, furnishing, or possessing any controlled substance as defined in the California Uniform Controlled Substances Act, except as approved by another physician and surgeon whose license is valid and in good standing; maintaining a record of all controlled substances ordered, prescribed, dispensed, administered, or possessed and any recommendations or approvals to possess or cultivate marijuana; abstaining from the use of controlled substances; abstaining from the use of alcohol; completing a prescribing practices course, a medical record keeping course, and an ethics course; attending psychotherapy; notification of employer; submitting to biological fluid testing; obtaining a worksite monitor for substance-abusing licensees; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. February 26, 2021.

ANNADURAI, BALA, M.D. (A 56197), Fremont, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, incompetence, and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Physician must complete an education course. Public Reprimand. February 12, 2021.

APPERSON, MICHELLE L., M.D. (A 82317), Sacramento, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. March 11, 2021.

AREY, BRITTON ASHLEY, M.D. (A 90838), Costa Mesa, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence and repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of two patients, violation of provisions of the Medical Practice Act, and unprofessional conduct. Revoked, stayed, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course, a prescribing practices course, and an ethics course; submitting to a psychiatric evaluation; obtaining a practice monitor; prohibited from prescribing controlled substances to Dr. Arey's family members or herself; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 2, 2021.

ARONOWITZ, JOEL ALAN, M.D. (A 43411), Los Angeles, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for departing from the standard of care while performing bilateral shoulder scar revisions, separate from the planned surgical sites, without written consent. March 22, 2021.

ATTIA, AMIN FOUAD, M.D. (A 44842), Corona, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for inappropriately self-prescribing medications, prescribed controlled substances to your wife without an appropriate prior medical examination, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical record documentation. March 22, 2021.

BAGHERI, BAHARAK, M.D. (C 55648), Phoenix, AZ, Decision and Order

Disciplined by Maine for engaging in unprofessional conduct for violating a standard of professional behavior when she reported an abdominal CT scan, MRI, and transvaginal ultrasound as unremarkable, when in fact it was highly suggestive of metastatic disease and a diagnosis should have been made. Public Reprimand. March 19, 2021.

BARTON, BROOKE MILLON, M.D. (G 43306) Santa Monica, CA, Decision and Order

Committed acts of unprofessional conduct and gross negligence in the care and treatment of three patients, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of four patients. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing a clinical competence assessment program; completing an ethics course, an education course, a prescribing practices course, and a medical record keeping course; obtaining a practice monitor in a professional enhancement program; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 2, 2021.

BATTALA, NAGA LAKSHMI (A 104785), Los Angeles, CA, Decision and Order

Disciplined by Arkansas for requiring her to pass a clinical competence assessment program prior to practicing medicine in Arkansas. Revoked. March 12, 2021.

BAUTISTA, ALEJANDRO ANTONIO, M.D. (G 70233), Indio, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for departing from the standard of care with one patient by not properly terminating your physician/patient care relationship and failing to maintain adequate and accurate records. February 25, 2021.

BERNADETT, FAUSTINO (G 44925), Los Alamitos, CA, Decision and Order

Convicted of Misprision of a felony for using sham contracts to pay illegal kickbacks in order to induce physicians to perform surgeries at the hospital he owned. Surrender of License. March 3, 2021.

BETHENCOURT, DANIEL MIGUEL, M.D. (C 41588), Rolling Hills, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but was charged with gross negligence in the care and treatment of three patients; repeated negligent acts and incompetence in the care and treatment of multiple patients; failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of two patients; knowingly making or signing a document directly related to the practice of medicine that falsely represented an existence of a statement or facts; and unprofessional conduct. Revoked, stayed, placed on four years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course, a medical record keeping course, and an ethics course; completing a clinical competence assessment program; obtaining a practice monitor; prohibited from performing any robotic surgery or robot-assisted surgery until successfully completing the clinical competence assessment program; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Second Amended Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 16, 2021.

BLOOM, DAVID ARI, M.D. (C 139300), Rockaway Park, NY, Decision and Order

Committed acts of gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to; completing a clinical competence assessment program; completing an education course, a medical record keeping course, and an ethics course; obtaining a practice monitor; prohibited from engaging in the solo practice of medicine; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants. March 31, 2021.

BODEAU, AMY LEE, M.D. (A 102917), Temecula, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but was charged with gross negligence and repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of one patient; and violated a provision or provisions of the Medical Practice Act. Revoked, stayed, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course and a prescribing practices course; obtaining a practice monitor; and submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties. April 22, 2021.

BRAA, HENRY ANTONIO, M.D. (A 55606), Redwood City, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with unprofessional conduct and repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of two patients. Physician must complete a prescribing practices course. Public Reprimand. February 11, 2021.

BREWSTER, MARY KAY MARINA (G 84568), Monterey, CA, Decision and Order

Committed repeated negligent acts and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of two patients; convicted of driving a vehicle with a .08% or higher blood alcohol level with an excessive blood alcohol level of .20%; battery on a peace officer; and an enhancement and a prior conviction within ten years. Revoked. April 5, 2021.

BROWNING, NICHOLAS DEAN (A 81247), Monterey, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but physician has a condition affecting his ability to practice medicine safely. Surrender of License. April 27, 2021.

BRUNST, ROBERT FRITS (G 36956), Encinitas, CA, Decision and Order

Admitted to gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, prescribing without an appropriate prior medical examination or indication, excessively prescribed controlled substances, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of two patients; and violated the Medical Practice Act. Surrender of License. April 1, 2021.

BUSS, RICHARD FREDERICK, M.D. (G 52995), Pine Grove, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence and committed acts of repeated negligence in the care and treatment of multiple patients; failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of two patients; and failed to comply with terms of his Board-ordered probation by failing to obey all laws. Upon the effective date of the Decision and Order in Case No. 800-2020-063778, the Decision and Order in the previous case shall be superseded by the new Decision and Order in Case No. 800-2020-063778, and the previously ordered probation shall terminate. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course; completing a professional boundaries program; submitting to a medical evaluation and obtaining medical treatment; obtaining a practice monitor; required to have a third party chaperone present while consulting, examining or treating female patients; prohibited from practicing as a hospitalist or providing care to patients in an inpatient setting; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. March 4, 2021.

CAO, HUYEN LE (G 72686), Foster City, CA, Decision and Order

Unable to satisfy the terms and conditions of her Board-ordered probation. Surrender of License. March 1, 2021.

CAROTHERS, KAREN N., M.D. (G 71913), Orinda, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with unprofessional conduct, gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, incompetence, and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Physician must complete an education course and a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. March 31, 2021.

CHANG, PATRICIA JEH-YEE, M.D. (G 76535), Century City, CA, Decision and Order

Committed acts of gross negligence in the care and treatment of one patient; repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of multiple patients; excessively prescribed controlled substances to one patient; failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of multiple patients; and prescribed to an addict. Revoked, stayed, placed on thirty-six (36) months' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, maintaining a record of all controlled substances ordered, prescribed, dispensed, administered, or possessed and any recommendations or approvals to possess or cultivate marijuana; completing an education course, a prescribing practices course, a medical record keeping course, and an ethics course; obtaining a practice monitor; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 26, 2021.

CHANG, STEPHEN WALTER, M.D. (C 172141), Tysons, VA, Decision and Order

Physician has not had any clinical care activities since July 2013, which may impact his ability to practice medicine safely as an independent practitioner; and was reprimanded by the Virginia Board of Medicine for prescribing controlled substances on five (5) different occasions in 2016, using the Drug Enforcement Administration number of another physician in his office of practice. Probationary license issued, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course, and a prescribing practices course; obtaining a practice monitor; prohibited from engaging in the solo practice of medicine; submitting proof of notification of Decision to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 1, 2021.

CHEUNG, EDDIE CHUEN-LEUNG (C 40226), Oakland, CA, Decision and Order

Committed unprofessional conduct and dishonesty for giving false statements on his application for staff privileges. Revoked. April 23, 2021.

CHIN, HERBERT SIM-ON (A 65244), Whittier, CA, Decision and Order

Admitted to having a condition affecting his ability to practice medicine safely. Surrender of License. February 15, 2021.

CHOE, SUNG MAN, M.D. (G 60484), West Covina, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for failing to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. February 11, 2021.

CONARD, WILLIAM JARRETT, M.D. (G 24791), Davis, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with repeated negligent acts and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of three patients. Physician must complete a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. March 3, 2021.

CORMAN, CLIFFORD LENNARD, M.D. (G 26578), Seal Beach, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for failing to follow set requirements for dispensing controlled substances in an office setting, failing to discuss or failed to document having discussed, the risks, benefits, and alternatives of psychotropic medications with patients/guardians, and failed to obtain signed medication consent from patients/guardians. April 26, 2021.

CRIBARI, CAROLINE LITTLE, M.D. (A 70686), Davis, CA, Decision and Order

Admitted to gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of two patients; and unprofessional conduct. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course, a prescribing practices course, a medical record keeping course, and an ethics course; obtaining a practice monitor; prohibited from engaging in the solo practice of medicine; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. March 31, 2021.

DANG, SATINDER KAUR (A 31227), Fountain Valley, CA, Decision and Order

Unable to satisfy the terms and conditions of his Board-ordered probation. Surrender of License. March 18, 2021.

DARAWAL, ASSAD ULLAH, M.D. (A 51602), Indio, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of multiple patients; and excessively prescribed controlled substances to one patient. Revoked, stayed, placed on four years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, maintaining a record of all controlled substances ordered, prescribed, dispensed, administered, or possessed and any recommendations or approvals to possess or cultivate marijuana; completing an education course, prescribing practices course, and a medical record keeping course; obtaining a practice monitor; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants. March 4, 2021.

DAVIDSON, JOSEPH KENT, M.D. (G 86649), Pasadena, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with repeated negligent acts, failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records, and unprofessional conduct in the care and treatment of one patient. Physician must complete an education course, a medical record keeping course, and an ethics course. Public Reprimand. February 24, 2021.

DIVITTORIO, ALBERT JOSEPH JR. (C 32238), Placerville, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence in the care and treatment of two patients, repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of three patients, and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Surrender of License. February 18, 2021.

DROUBAY, PETER EDWARD, M.D. (G 27705), Davis, CA, Decision and Order

Committed acts of sexual abuse with three patients. Committed acts of gross negligence, repeated negligent acts and unprofessional conduct in the care the treatment of three patients. Revoked. April 1, 2021.

DUPONT, RENEE M. (A 42799), Encinitas, CA, Decision and Order

Admitted to failing to comply with terms of her Board-ordered probation by failing to comply with abstention from alcohol and failing to comply with required biological fluid testing. Revoked, stayed, six (6) months' additional probation. February 24, 2021.

EL MOKADEM, HESHAM MOHAMED, M.D. (A 107687), Riverside, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with repeated negligent acts, failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records and unprofessional conduct in the care and treatment of one patient. Physician must complete an education course and a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. March 10, 2021.

EOSAKUL, THAWAT (A 32349), Fontana, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of two patients; used controlled substances in such a manner as to be dangerous or injurious to himself, another person, or to the public, violated a state law or laws regulating dangerous drugs and/or controlled substances, unprofessional conduct, and violating the Medical Practice Act. Surrender of License. February 26, 2021.

EROSHEVICH, KHRISTINE ELAINE (C 37980), Beverly Hills, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Surrendered of License. February 8, 2021.

ESPANA, LIZETTE, M.D. (A 81616), San Francisco, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with using drugs and/or alcohol in a manner as to be dangerous or injurious to herself, another person, or to the public; and physician has a condition affecting her ability to practice medicine safely. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing a clinical diagnostic evaluation; abstaining from the use of controlled substances; abstaining from the use of alcohol; attending psychotherapy; prohibited from engaging in the solo practice of medicine; notification of employer; submitting to biological fluid testing; attending substance abuse support group meetings; obtaining a worksite monitor for substance-abusing licensees; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 30, 2021.

ESWARAN, KALI SUBBAROYAN, M.D. (A 40842), Rancho Cordova, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for not meeting the standard of care in the management of chronic pain of three patients. March 11, 2021.

FATTEH, PARVEZ MEHBOOB, M.D. (A 66560) San Pablo, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but was convicted of a misdemeanor, one count of rebates for patient referral; charged with dishonest or corrupt acts, violation of provisions of the Medical Practice Act, and unprofessional conduct. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, providing 80 hours of medical or non-medical community service; completing an ethics course; obtaining a billing monitor; prohibited from submitting worker's compensation claims; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. March 26, 2021.

FENTON, ROBERT BRANT (G 32805), Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA, Decision and Order

Unable to satisfy the terms and conditions of his Board-ordered probation. Surrender of License. February 16, 2021.

FINCH, JACK WAYNE, M.D. (G 68377), Redding, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but was charged with gross negligence and repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of multiple patients; prescribed without an appropriate prior examination or indication; excessively prescribed controlled substances to multiple patients; and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of multiple patients. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, notification to patients of probation status; prohibited from ordering, prescribing, dispensing, administering, furnishing, or possessing any controlled substances in Schedule II, except for those drugs listed in Schedule(s) III-V; prohibited from issuing an oral or written recommendation or approval to a patient or a patient's primary caregiver for the possession or cultivation of marijuana for the personal medical purposes of the patient; maintaining a record of all controlled substances ordered, prescribed, dispensed, administered, or possessed and any recommendations or approvals to possess or cultivate marijuana; completing an education course; a prescribing practices course, and a medical record keeping course; obtaining a practice monitor for the first eighteen (18) months after the effective date; submitting proof of notification of Decision and First Amended Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 22, 2021.

FORD, NATHAN DANIEL, M.D. (A 122580), West Hollywood, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but his corporation is charged with false representation to Medi-Cal and FPACT, altering medical records, dishonest or corrupt acts, employing people to market the clinic's services to attract new patients and transported patients to and from the clinic, all committed by his employees, failure to properly supervise a nurse Practitioner, and unprofessional conduct by the organization that he was the CEO for. Physician must complete an ethics course. Public Reprimand. April 30, 2021.

GALA, NIHAR BHAVESH (A 143658), Berlin, New Jersey, Decision and Order

Disciplined by Delaware for treating a patient with a history of substance abuse. He took her off Suboxone and prescribed opioids, fentanyl, and OxyContin. During his treatment of her, he made several sexual advances towards her and requested sexual favors. She complied for fear of losing her prescriptions for controlled substances. Revoked. February 10, 2021.

GAMEZ, RUBEN, M.D. (A 104336), Lake Forest, CA, Decision and Order

Admitted to unprofessional conduct; physician has a condition affecting his ability to practice medicine safely; and convicted of a felony, one count of assault with a deadly weapon. Revoked, stayed, placed on seven years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, providing 40 hours of medical or non-medical community service; completing an ethics course; submitting to a psychiatric evaluation; attending psychotherapy; submitting to a medical evaluation and obtaining medical treatment; obtaining a practice monitor; prohibited from engaging in the solo practice of medicine; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. February 5, 2021.

GANTA, SANYASI, R., M.D. (A 70985), Hemet, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but was charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of three patients; and unprofessional conduct. Physician must complete an education course, a prescribing practices course, and a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. March 3, 2021.

GIBSON, GERALD PATRICK, M.D. (A 61098), Dallas, TX, Decision and Order

Admitted to being disciplined by Texas for a history of substance abuse disorder. Revoked, stayed, placed on fifteen years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, notification to patients of probation status; prohibited from ordering, prescribing, dispensing, administering, furnishing, or possessing any controlled substances and from issuing an oral or written recommendation or approval to possess or cultivate marijuana; abstaining from the use of controlled substances; abstaining from the use of alcohol; completing an education course and an ethics course; attending psychotherapy; completing a clinical diagnostic evaluation prior to practicing medicine; notification of employer; submitting to biological fluid testing; attending substance abuse support group meetings; obtaining a worksite monitor for substance-abusing licensees; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. March 24, 2021.

GILL, KULDIP SINGH, M.D. (A 61538), Grass Valley, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, prescribed without an appropriate prior medical examination or indication, excessively prescribed controlled substances, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of multiple patients. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, maintaining a record of all controlled substances ordered, prescribed, dispensed, administered, or possessed, and any recommendation or approval to possess or cultivate marijuana; completing an education course, a prescribing practices course and a medical record keeping course; completing a clinical competence assessment program; obtaining a practice monitor; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses, except physician assistants and advanced practice nurses employed by Dr. Gill at his practice location in Grass Valley, and employed at Crystal Ridge Care Center, Wolf Creek Care Center, Spring Hill Manor, and Golden Empire. February 12, 2021.

GJELTEMA, KENNETH J., M.D. (G 58053), Marina, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with unprofessional conduct, repeated negligent acts and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Physician must complete 40 hours of education courses focusing on cardiac diagnosis and care, practice management, and record keeping. Public Reprimand. February 5, 2021.

GORES, GUIDO JAMES, JR. (G 61254), San Francisco, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence and repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of five patients, and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of three patients. Surrender of License. February 10, 2021.

GRAHAM, ROBERT ADAMS, M.D. (A 32806), Fresno, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of multiple patients; and repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of two patients. Revoked, stayed, placed on two (2) years' additional probation. February 26, 2021.

GREAVES, LYMAN BOWEN, JR. (G 64421), Santa Rosa, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with unprofessional conduct, gross negligence, and sexual misconduct in the care and treatment of one patient; and failed to participate in an interview with the Board. Surrender of License. February 8, 2021.

GROSS, ALAN MARK, M.D. (A 47080), Oxnard, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with self-prescribing controlled substances, violated laws regulating controlled substances, created or signed false documents directly related to the practice of medicine, committed acts of dishonesty or corruption, gross negligence and repeated negligent acts. Revoked, stayed, placed on four years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, prohibited from practicing medicine until he surrenders his DEA certificate; completing a prescribing practices course and an ethics course; completing a medical evaluation and treatment; during probation, he is prohibited from performing any surgical procedure; notification of employer; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. February 12, 2021.

GRUSD, RONALD SELWYN (A 32707), Lompoc, CA, Decision and Order

Convicted of one count of conspiracy to commit honest services mail fraud, 15 counts of honest services mail fraud and aiding and abetting, three counts of honest services wire fraud and aiding and abetting, four counts of heath care fraud and aiding and abetting, and five counts of travel act and aiding and abetting, Surrender of License. March 1, 2021.

GULLION, GUY ROGERS (A 50284), Sebastopol, CA, Decision and Order

Unable to satisfy the terms and conditions of his Board-ordered probation. Surrender of License. February 24, 2021.

GUNNISON, KATHRYN MORRIS, M.D. (A 124321), Monterey, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but physician has a condition affecting her ability to practice medicine safely, and was charged with using alcohol in a manner as to be dangerous or injurious to herself, another person, or to the public. Revoked, stayed, placed on six years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, notification to patients of probation status; abstaining from the use of controlled substances; abstaining from the use of alcohol; prohibited from engaging in the solo practice of medicine; attending psychotherapy; completing a clinical diagnostic evaluation; notification of employer; submitting to biological fluid testing; attending substance abuse support group meetings; obtaining a worksite monitor; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. February 19, 2021.

HAGSTROM, MATS FREDRIK, M.D. (G 80721), San Francisco, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but has a condition affecting his ability to practice medicine safely, and was charged with using drugs and alcohol in a manner as to be dangerous or injurious to himself, another person, or to the public. Revoked, stayed, placed on seven years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, abstaining from the use of controlled substances; abstaining from the use of alcohol; submitting to a psychiatric and/or substance abuse evaluation; notification of employer; submitting to biological fluid testing; attending substance abuse support group meetings; obtaining a worksite monitor for substance-abusing licensees; completing an ethics course; notification to patients of probation status; maintaining a record of all controlled substances ordered, prescribed, dispensed, administered, or possessed and any recommendations or approvals to possess or cultivate marijuana; prohibited from engaging in the solo practice of medicine; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 30, 2021.

HARDESTY, ROBERT ALAN, M.D. (G 40871), Riverside, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for failing to properly identify his board certification and failing to maintain adequate medical records. March 3, 2021.

HARRIE, ROBERT RAYMOND (G 139544), Crescent City, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence in the care and treatment of two patients, and repeated negligent acts and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of three patients. Surrender of License. April 1, 2021.

HARRIS, RICHARD GERALD, M.D. (G 69105), Melrose Park, IL, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for being disciplined by Illinois for inappropriate prescribing. April 30, 2021.

HASSAN, SAMMY JAMES, M.D., (G 79071), Olympia, WA, Decision and Order

Disciplined by Oregon for breaching standards of care by prescribing medications to five different individuals (family and friends) without doing chart reviews, examining the patients, or properly charting the prescriptions. Revoked, stayed, placed on thirty-five (35) months' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, prohibited from ordering, prescribing, dispensing, administering, furnishing, or possessing any controlled substances to any family members or friends, or to any persons who are not bona fine patients of Dr. Hassan; completing a prescribing practices course, a medical record keeping course, and an ethics course; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 30, 2021.

HELLAWELL, JENNIFER LOUISE, M.D. (A 129864), San Francisco, CA, Decision and Order

Committed acts of using alcohol in a manner as to be dangerous or injurious to herself, another person, or to the public; and was convicted of a misdemeanor, one count of driving with a blood alcohol concentration equal to or greater than 0.20%. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing a clinical diagnostic evaluation; notification of employer; abstaining from the use of controlled substances; abstaining from the use of alcohol; submitting to biological fluid testing; attending substance abuse support group meetings; obtaining a worksite monitor; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. March 4, 2021.

HENRY, MICHAEL JEROME, M.D. (A 40497), Sacramento, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with dishonest or corrupt acts and convicted of a misdemeanor, one count of receiving compensation rebates for patient referrals. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, providing 80 hours of medical or non-medical community service; completing an ethics course; obtaining a billing monitor; prohibited from treating workers compensation patients; and submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties. February 18, 2021.

HODGE, DAVID STANTON (G 39325), Clovis, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of an infant. Surrender of License. April 1, 2021.

HOSSAIN, MOHAMMAD MOAZZAM (A 34101), Redlands, CA, Decision and Order

Unable to satisfy the terms and conditions of his Board-ordered probation. Surrender of License. March 16, 2021.

HUGHES, LARRY CECIL, M.D. (G 59842), Hemet, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for prescribing controlled substances to one patient without documenting an adequate medical history, assessments, notation of whether the patient was informed of specific risks and non-controlled medical alternatives, and whether the patient refused referrals to other medical specialists. Also failed to perform and document the necessary monitoring while prescribing a controlled substance to the patient. March 30, 2021.

HUMENIK, JOSEPH FRANCIS (G 27240), Phelan, CA, Decision and Order

Committed gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of three patients; and failed or refused to produce medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Revoked. April 29, 2021.

HUNT, JAMES ESTABROOK, (G 78304), Santa Rosa, CA, Decision and Order

Admitted to failing to comply with terms of his Board-ordered probation by testing positive for a controlled substance. Revoked, stayed, one-year additional probation until anticipated end date of 07/17/2025. All terms and conditions in the current probation are included, and adds notification to patients of probation status. April 30, 2021.

HUNT, LINDA MARTINE, M.D. (G 70385), Newbury Park, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for departing from the standard of care for failing to appropriately provide emergent care to one patient, and failing to document the patient's immediate transfer to an emergency department. April 8, 2021.

HUTAIN, ROYCE LEWIS (G 35907), Brea, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of five patients; and unprofessional conduct. Surrender of License. March 31, 2021.

ISLAM, NAZRUL, M., M.D. (A 102426), Montebello, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but was charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of a patient. Revoked, stayed, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course and a medical record keeping course; obtaining a practice monitor; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants. February 24, 2021.

JAHNKE, WILLIAM ROBERT II, M.D. (G 34870), Shoreview, MN, Decision and Order

Convicted of 3rd degree Driving While Impaired where the alcohol concentration was over .08%, used alcohol in a manner as to be dangerous or injurious to himself, another person, or to the public; and unprofessional conduct. Revoked, stayed, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, not limited to, notice of employer; submitting to biological fluid testing; attending substance abuse support group meetings; obtaining a worksite monitor for substance abusing licensee; abstaining from the use of alcohol and controlled substances; completing an ethics course; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. February 25, 2021.

JAMES, STEVEN PARKER, M.D. (G 47188), San Diego, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for departing from the standard of care in your monitoring, treatment, and record keeping of a patient's bipolar disorder. March 11, 2021.

JANHO, RAJAE A., M.D. (G 54637), Lawrenceville, GA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for being disciplined in Georgia for failing to adequately document medical records, inserting a non-FDA approved device, and failing to stabilize the patient after surgery. February 23, 2021.

JOHNSON, DAVID D., M.D. (G 11110), Redding, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence in the care and treatment of one patient, repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of four patients; and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of five patients. Physician must complete a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. April 16, 2021.

JOHNSON, NORMAN ERIC (C 37654), Big Bear City, CA, Decision and Order

Committed unprofessional conduct by practicing medicine with an expired license and aided and abetted the unlicensed practice of medicine. Revoked. February 12, 2021.

JONES, HERBERT WILLIAM (A 71113), Minneapolis, MN, Decision and Order

Admits to being disciplined by Minnesota for agreeing to abstain from alcohol, controlled substances, and mood-altering substances, refraining from practicing medicine and entering an assessment program and submitting to unannounced toxicology screens, but failed to do these things. Surrender of License. February 26, 2021.

JOVANOVICH, ALEXANDER, M.D. (A 154263), Miami Beach, FL, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for being disciplined by Iowa for violating the standards of practice for telemedicine in Iowa. April 5, 2021.

KANE, BRENT LE, M.D. (G 75272), Fresno, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence and repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of one patient. Physician must complete an education course and a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. March 3, 2021.

KEE, STEPHEN THOMAS, M.D. (A 56389), San Francisco, CA, Decision and Order

Admitted to using alcohol in a manner as to be dangerous or injurious to himself, another person, or to the public; unprofessional conduct; physician has a condition affecting his ability to practice medicine safely; and convicted of two felonies, one count of driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, and during such driving neglected a duty imposed by law in the driving of said vehicle, which act and neglect proximately caused bodily injury to a person, and with driving while having 0.08% and more, of alcohol in his blood, and during such driving neglected a duty imposed by law in the driving of said vehicle, which act and neglect proximately caused bodily injury to a person. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, notification to patients of probation status; maintaining a record of all controlled substances ordered, prescribed, dispensed, administered, or possessed and any recommendations or approvals to possess or cultivate marijuana; abstaining from the use of controlled substances; abstaining from the use of alcohol; completing an education course and an ethics course; attending psychotherapy; submitting to a medical evaluation and obtaining medical treatment; obtaining a practice monitor; prohibited from engaging in the solo practice of medicine; completing a clinical diagnostic evaluation and having at least thirty (30) days of negative biological fluid tests prior to returning to the practice of medicine (condition satisfied); notification of employer; submitting to biological fluid testing; attending substance abuse support group meetings; obtaining a worksite monitor for substance-abusing licensees; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. February 24, 2021.

KHALID, SHAHPER, M.D. (A 49816), Riverside, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but failed to comply with terms of her Board-ordered probation due to non-practice exceeding two years. Revoked, stayed, placed on three (3) years' additional probation to run consecutively from the conclusion of the previous probation term for a total of nine (9) years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing a clinical competence assessment program; prohibited from engaging in the solo practice of medicine; prohibited from practicing in the area of obstetrics and from performing surgery as the primary surgeon; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Petition to Revoke Probation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 15, 2021.

KIM, JOON, M.D. (A 77889), Orange, CA, Decision and Order

Admitted to using alcohol and drugs in a manner as to be dangerous or injurious to himself, another person, or to the public; convicted of five misdemeanors, for four counts of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, one count of driving with a blood alcohol level of .08% or more; and physician has a condition affecting his ability to practice medicine safely. Revoked, stayed, placed on four years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, abstaining from the use of controlled substances; abstaining from the use of alcohol; completing an ethics course; submitting to a psychiatric evaluation; attending psychotherapy; submitting to a medical evaluation and obtaining medical treatment; notification of employer; submitting to biological fluid testing; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 9, 2021.

KNIGHT, MARK ANTHONY, M.D. (A 78828), Huntington Beach, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but was charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, incompetence, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of three patients; unprofessional conduct; and failed to comply with terms of his Board-ordered probation by failing to obey all laws and failed to fully comply with any term or condition of probation. Revoked, stayed, placed on five (5) years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course and a medical record keeping course; completing a clinical competence assessment program; obtaining a practice monitor; prohibited from engaging in the solo practice of medicine; prohibited from performing any surgery including any procedures under anesthesia or conscious sedation unless and until the Clinical Competence Assessment Program submits a report to the Board or its designee which unequivocally states that Respondent has demonstrated the ability to practice safely and independently; submitting proof of notification of Decision and First Amended Accusation and Petition to Revoke Probation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 30, 2021.

KOSH, DAVID LAWRENCE (G 40670), Sacramento, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, excessive prescribing, failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records and unprofessional conduct in the care and treatment of one patient. Surrender of License. March 15, 2021.

KRAKOVSKY, ALEXANDER ARKADIEVICH, M.D. (A 81711), La Jolla, CA, Decision and Order

Admitted to gross negligence in the care and treatment of one patient, committed acts of repeated negligence, incompetence, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of multiple patients. Effective 2/24/2021, revoked, stayed, placed on seven years' probation until anticipated end date of 2/23/2028. Terms and conditions include, but are not limited to, completing an education course and a medical record keeping course; completing a clinical competence assessment program; prohibited from engage/ng in the solo practice of medicine; prohibited from performing phalloplasty; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. February 24, 2021.

KULKARNI, MONA SHRIKRISHNA, M.D. (A 111656), Santa Barbara, CA, Decision and Order

Convicted of a misdemeanor, one count of driving under the influence of alcohol; used alcohol in a manner as to be dangerous or injurious to herself, another person, or to the public; and unprofessional conduct. Public Reprimand. March 19, 2021.

KUSHNIR, YAROSLAV, M.D. (G 24238), Chula Vista, CA, Decision and Order

Admitted to gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records, incompetence, and unprofessional conduct in the care and treatment of one patient. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course, a medical record keeping course, and an ethics course; completing a professional boundaries program; completing a clinical competence assessment program; obtaining a practice monitor; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. March 3, 2021.

KY, LENG THAI (A 104049), Escondido, CA, Decision and Order

Committed gross negligence, repeated negligent acts and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Revoked. February 18, 2021.

LAMOND, RODERICK GOW (A 42165), Denver, CO, Decision and Order

Disciplined by Colorado for violating accepted standards of practice for performing a surgical procedure at the wrong level of a patient's spine requiring the patient to have a second surgery. Revoked. March 5, 2021.

LANNON, RICHARD ANDREW, M.D. (A 23592), San Francisco, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with unprofessional conduct; prescribed without an appropriate prior examination or indication; gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of three patients; and incompetence in the care and treatment of two patients. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, notification to patients of probation status; completing an education course and a medical record keeping course; obtaining a practice monitor; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 14, 2021.

LEE, CHRISTINE MING-GUAY (A 110732), Rolling Hills Estates, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with sexual misconduct, sexual exploitation, gross negligence, repeated negligent acts and unprofessional conduct in the care and treatment of one patient. Surrender of License. March 4, 2021.

LEVY, MARK ALLEN, M.D. (G 47736), Sacramento, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but was charged with gross negligence and repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of three patients. Revoked, stayed, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, prohibited from ordering, prescribing, dispensing, administering, furnishing, or possessing any controlled substances, except for those drugs listed in Schedule III and IV; prohibited from issuing an oral or written recommendation or approval to a patient or a patient's primary caregiver for the possession or cultivation of marijuana for personal medical purposes; maintaining a record of all controlled substances ordered, prescribed, dispensed, administered, or possessed and any recommendations or approvals to possess or cultivate marijuana; completing a prescribing practices course; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. March 10, 2021.

LIEBERMAN, MARC FRANK (G 42547), San Francisco, Decision and Order

Admitted to having a condition affecting his ability to practice medicine safely. Surrender of License. March 12, 2021.

LINDGREN, AMELIA MARIE, M.D. (A 151051), San Diego, CA, Decision and Order

Convicted of a misdemeanor, one count of driving under the influence of alcohol, with an enhanced penalty for excessive blood alcohol or refusal to take chemical test; committed acts of using alcohol in a manner as to be dangerous or injurious to herself, another person, or to the public; and unprofessional conduct. Revoked, stayed, placed on one-year probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to; abstaining from the use of controlled substances; abstaining from the use of alcohol; submitting to biological fluid testing; providing 10 hours of medical or non-medical community service; completing an ethics course; submitting to a psychiatric evaluation; attending psychotherapy; submitting to a medical evaluation and obtaining medical treatment; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 9, 2021.

LINGAMNENI, SANTHI SREE, M.D. (G 78794), San Jose, CA, Decision and Order

Convicted of a misdemeanor, one count of driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.08% or more, with an enhancement of driving with a blood alcohol content greater than 0.15%. Revoked, stayed, placed on thirty-five (35) months' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, abstaining from the use of controlled substances; abstaining from the use of alcohol; submitting to biological fluid testing; completing an ethics course; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 30, 2021.

LOCKIE, JOHN GEOFFREY (A 39051), La Mesa, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of five patients. Surrender of License. April 9, 2021.

LOMBARDO, CHRISTOPHER PETER, M.D. (G 43247), Hidden Valley Lake, CA, Decision and Order

Disciplined by Michigan for not following proper procedures in marking a surgical site prior to the surgery. Physician must complete an ethics course. Public Reprimand. April 30, 2021.

LU, KANG, (A 118204), Athol, MA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with being suspended by Massachusetts for weapons violations; a conviction for a weapons violation, and ultimately being revoked in Massachusetts, and failed to report the discipline to the Board. Surrender of License. March 4, 2021.

MABEY, MONIQUE FORD, M.D. (A 41544), San Francisco, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Physician must complete an education course. Public Reprimand. March 10, 2021.

MADIEVSKY, MICHAEL, M.D. (A 65040), Tarzana, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for failing to test a patient for latent TB and hepatitis B prior to placing the patient on Humira and misreading a positive TB test as a negative for the patient, delaying the patient's treatment. February 8, 2021.

MAGSINO, RODOLFO ECARO (A 31070), San Dimas, CA, Decision and Order

Convicted of soliciting or accepting fees for patient referrals, a felony; committed unprofessional conduct and dishonest or corrupt acts. Surrender of License. April 5, 2021.

MALLARI, MADONNA CHRISTI (C 138696), Scottsdale, AZ, Decision and Order

Disciplined by Arizona for inappropriately prescribing controlled substances to five patients. Surrender of License. March 4, 2021.

MALLIS, SEYMOUR (A 23608), La Mesa, CA, Decision and Order

Physician has a condition affecting his ability to practice medicine safely. Revoked. April 28, 2021.

MCINTYRE, DON LEE, M.D. (G 49567), San Francisco, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but was charged with failing to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of multiple patients; unprofessional conduct; gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and incompetence in the care and treatment of one patient. Revoked, stayed, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing a medical record keeping course; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 16, 2021.

MEGARGEL, JAMES DAVID (C 139913), South Lake Tahoe, CA, Decision and Order

Disciplined by Ohio for having a substance abuse problem for which he entered treatment for chemical dependency and had a subsequent relapse. Revoked. February 25, 2021.

MEHTA, ARCHANA PRAMOD, M.D., (A 140604), Annapolis, MD a.k.a. PATEL, ARCHANA MAYANK, M.D. (A 140604), Annapolis, MD, Decision and Order

Disciplined by Maryland for failing to meet appropriate standards for the delivery of quality medical care and failed to keep adequate medical records. Revoked, stayed, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing a prescribing practices course and a medical record keeping course; obtaining a practice monitor; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 30, 2021.

MELTZER, BARNET GARY (G 19625), Del Mar, CA, Decision and Order

Admitted to repeated negligent acts, incompetence, and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient; and violated the Medical Practice Act. Surrender of License. April 5, 2021.

MEYER, BENJAMIN HANNA, M.D. (G 88684), Ukiah, CA, Decision and Order

Convicted of two felony counts for the unlawful killing of an animal along with the first special allegation of personal use of a firearm during the commission of a felony. Revoked, stayed, placed on seven years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an ethics course; obtaining a psychiatric evaluation; and attending psychotherapy. April 16, 2021.

MISRA, MUKESH, M.D (A 95774), Lancaster, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of two patients. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' additional probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course, a medical record keeping course (condition met), and an ethics course; completing a clinical competence assessment program (condition met); obtaining a practice monitor; providing 20 hours of non-medical community service; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. March 10, 2021.

MONTES DOMINI, CARLOS DEL VALLE, M.D. (A 50991), Maricopa, AZ, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for failing to treat elevated blood pressure and failed to diagnose and treat skin lesions in one patient. March 22, 2021.

MOON, ELIOT, M.D. (G 79762), Wildomar, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for failing to document your discussions of medication side effects and risks with patients. February 8, 2021.

MORRIS, MICHAEL W., M.D. (C 42083), Houston, TX, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for being disciplined by Texas for aiding and abetting practice without a license, failing to adequately supervise cosmetic procedures performed at the clinic, and failure to perform physical examinations on patients before Botox and other procedures were performed. April 30, 2020.

MOSKOWITZ, MICHAEL HARVEY, M.D. (C 38406), San Rafael, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for failing to document adequate periodic review of opioid management and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records for four patients. February 18, 2021.

MYINT, GERALD HLA (A 96837), Hayward, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with unprofessional conduct, sexual misconduct and sexual abuse in the care and treatment of three patients; lying to federal agents, privacy acts violations and recording confidential communications, and possession of child pornography. Surrender of License. March 12, 2021.

NIELSEN, TERRANCE PAUL (A 35523), Salinas, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of six patients, failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of two patients, and gross negligence in the care and treatment of one patient. Physician has a condition affecting his ability to practice medicine safely. Surrender of License. March 17, 2021.

NORTHEY, CHERYL LEA, M.D. (C 50031), Corralitos, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts and incompetence in the care and treatment of one patient. Physician must complete an education course. Public Reprimand. March 3, 2021.

O'HANLAN, KATHERINE ANNE (G 70108), Portola Valley, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence and repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of four patients, and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of two patients. Surrender of License. March 15, 2021.

OSBORN, OLIVER STRONG, M.D. (G 78700), Larkspur, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with unprofessional conduct, incompetence, prescribing without an appropriate prior medical examination or indication and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of two patients; gross negligence in the care and treatment of one patient; and repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of another patient. Physician must complete a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. March 10, 2021.

OSKOOILAR, NADER, M.D. (A 48369), Newport Beach, CA, Decision and Order

Charged with failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of three patients and unprofessional conduct. Physician must complete a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. March 10, 2021.

OSSOWSKI, MACIEJ GERARD, M.D. (A 38380), Merced, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for improperly disposing of patients' confidential medical records. March 15, 2021.

PATTARA, SANTI, M.D. (A 35983), Santa Ana, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for failing to treat a patient diagnosed with major depression with evidence-based treatment and failing to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of the patient. April 29, 2021.

PENNER, MONTE WINSTON, M.D. (G 71997), Weimar, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of two patients, and unprofessional conduct. Revoked, stayed, placed on four years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an ethics course; completing a professional boundaries program; required to have a third party chaperone present while consulting, examining or treating female patients; submitting proof of notification of Decision and First Amended Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. March 10, 2021.

PHAN, DENISE ANH-DUONG, M.D. (G 73973), Van Nuys, CA, Decision and Order

Committed acts of gross negligence and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Physician must complete a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. February 12, 2021.

PHILLIPS, JEFFREY LAWRENCE, M.D. (G 64950), Yuba City, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with repeated negligent acts and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Revoked, stayed, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, maintaining a record of all controlled substances ordered, prescribed, dispensed, administered, or possessed and any recommendations or approvals to possess or cultivate marijuana; completing an education course, a prescribing practices course, and a medical record keeping course; obtaining a practice monitor; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 22, 2021.

POLLACK, ROBERT BRUCE, M.D. (G 67551), San Diego, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence and repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of one patient; unprofessional conduct; and violated the Medical Practice Act. Revoked, stayed, placed on two years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses; March 3, 2021.

PRICE, LAWRENCE A. (G 15724), Quincy, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with repeated negligent acts, failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records and unprofessional conduct in the care and treatment of three patients. Surrender of License. February 11, 2021.

PYLE, LARRY RICHARD (A 37880), Redding, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with aiding the abetting the unlicensed practice of medicine by allowing an unlicensed person to inject Botox, furnished dangerous drugs without a prior examination or medical indication, provided dishonest or fraudulent statements about his license and practice in seeking insurance coverage, and general unprofessional conduct. Failed to comply with two conditions of his Board-ordered probation by failing to provide a copy of the Disciplinary order to the CEO of each insurance company that extended malpractice to him within 15 days and failed to obey all laws. Surrender of License. March 17, 2021.

QUINONES, ROY, M.D. (A 81287), San Francisco, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with repeated negligent acts and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Physician must complete a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. April 9, 2021.

RAJAGOPALAN, BAL, M.D. (A 72861), Beverly Hills, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for violating the ethical standard of maintaining proper certification for performing fluoroscopy procedures. February 8, 2021.

RAJU, TANUJA RAMASWAMY, M.D. (A 72158), Folsom, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for failing to timely diagnose and treat preeclampsia, which resulted in brain injury with neurological deficits. March 8, 2021.

RANDHAWA, RAJINDER SINGH (C 50081), Antelope, CA, Decision and Order

Failed to comply with multiple conditions of his Board-ordered probation. Revoked. February 5, 2021.

RAPOZA, RUSSELL PAUL, M.D. (G 71959), Fountain Valley, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Revoked, stayed, placed on thirty-five months' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course and a medical record keeping course; completing a clinical competence assessment program; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. February 18, 2021.

RASUL, MARIA CECELIA AUSTRIA, M.D. (C 51160), San Luis Obispo, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for giving a patient the wrong prescription and failing to notify the patient and pharmacy once the error was recognized. February 19, 2021.

REDDY, SUDHIR KUMAR BEZWA, M.D. (A 48880), Upland, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for violating asepsis protocols in the care and treatment of one patient. March 22, 2021.

REMEDIOS, ELIZABETH (G 55283), Glendale, CA, Decision and Order

Unable to satisfy the terms and conditions of her Board-ordered probation. Surrender of License. March 23, 2021.

ROBSON, JEROME ANTHONY (G 32736), Modesto, CA, Decision and Order

Committed unprofessional conduct and dishonest or corrupt acts for his conviction of illegal fee splitting. Surrender of License. February 18, 2021.

ROSS, ELIZABETH OLLIE, M.D. (A 119731), San Francisco, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for failing to correctly document the history and physical (H&P) of a patient prior to performing a procedure and you performed an un-consented procedure on this patient. March 2, 2021.

RUMMELL, DAVID REESE (G 34248), San Jose, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts and incompetence in the care and treatment of multiple patients for reusing syringes on different patients. Surrender of License. April 22, 2021.

RUSS, KENNETH CARL, M.D. (A 48224), Palm Springs, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of three patients, and violated the Medical Practice Act. Physician must complete a prescribing practices course and a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. March 26, 2021.

SALINAS, JORGE LUIS, M.D. (A172029), Palo Alto, CA, Decision and Order

Convicted of operating while under the influence (OWI) by Iowa District Court for Johnson County. Probationary license issued, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing a clinical diagnostic evaluation prior to practicing medicine; notification of employer; submitting to biological fluid testing; attending substance abuse support group meetings; obtaining a worksite monitor for substance-abusing licensees; abstaining from the use of controlled substances; abstaining from the use of alcohol; attending psychotherapy; submitting proof of notification of Decision to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. March 19, 2021.

SALMASSI, SADEGH, M.D. (A 39604), Delano, CA, Decision and Order

Committed acts of gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, excessively prescribed controlled substances, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Revoked, stayed, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to; maintaining a record of all controlled substances ordered, prescribed, dispensed, administered, or possessed and any recommendation or approval to possess or cultivate marijuana; completing an education course, a prescribing practices course, and a medical record keeping course; obtaining a practice monitor; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. February 18, 2021.

SALMON, MARGARET L, M.D. (A 112137), San Francisco, CA, Decision and Order

Admitted to violating the terms of her Board-ordered probation by failing to comply with abstaining from the use of alcohol and faired to submit to biological fluid testing. Revoked, stayed placed of one year of additional probation; abstain from the use of controlled substances and alcohol; complete an ethics course, attend psychotherapy; prohibited from engaging in the solo practice of medicine; prohibited from practicing medicine during overnight shifts; notice of employer; submitting to biological fluid testing; obtaining a worksite monitor for substance abusing licensees; and notification to patients of probation status. March 5, 2021.

SATUR, NANCY MARLENE, M.D. (G 42049), San Diego, CA, Decision and Order

Disciplined by Michigan for failing to respond to an Administrative Complaint alleging she failed to comply with continuing education requirements. Public Reprimand. April 30, 2021.

SAUER, RICHARD NEILL (A 29403), Roseville, CA, Decision and Order

Committed gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records, falsely represented facts in a patient's medical record, and committed dishonest and corrupt acts in the care and treatment of one patient; practiced medicine without a valid license; and committed unprofessional conduct. Failed to comply with multiple terms of his Board-ordered probation. Revoked. February 12, 2021.

SHAHRESTANI, SHAHRIAR, M.D. (A 74440), Riverside, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for departing from the standard of care during the course of treatment of two patients when you failed to provide appropriate treatment and/or medications to a patient with pneumonia; and when you gave instructions for a patient in respiratory distress to be taken to the emergency department but failed to coordinate the emergent referral to a higher level of care. April 1, 2021.

SHEN, JEN-KWAY, M.D. (A 44321), La Habra Heights, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient Physician must complete an education course. Public Reprimand. March 3, 2021.

SHIEH, EMIL I., M.D. (G 83344), Healdsburg, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of two patients. Physician must complete an education course. Public Reprimand. March 18, 2021.

SHIFREN, JONATHAN DAVID, M.D. (G 75154), Los Angeles, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for departing from the standard of care in your care and treatment of a patient for your performance of the Cellulaze procedure, which resulted in thermal injury and hypertrophic scarring to the patient. In addition, you also failed to obtain informed consent from the patient for the Cellulaze and Smartlipo (laser-assisted lipectomy) procedures. April 29, 2021.

SIEGRIST, JOY HELENE (A 43340), Portsmouth, VA, Decision and Order

Convicted of two counts of felony eluding and two counts of misdemeanor reckless driving; and physician has a condition affecting her ability to practice medicine safely. Revoked. April 7, 2021.

SIMON, GILBERT (G 49551), Fair Oaks, CA, Decision and Order

Unable to satisfy the terms and conditions of his Board-ordered probation. Surrender of License. March 23, 2021.

SINGH, MANDEEP, M.D. (A 136490), Los Angeles, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for pleading no contest to California Penal Code section 23152(b) Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. March 8, 2021.

SMOLENS, IVA ANN, M.D. (G 72899), Phoenix, AZ, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for being disciplined by Arizona for failing to properly perform a right upper lobectomy, resulting in patient harm. February 16, 2021.

STANTON, PAUL ANDREW (G 85199), Victorville, CA, Decision and Order

Unable to satisfy the terms and conditions of his Board-ordered probation. Surrender of License. February 22, 2021.

STEINBERG, ALAN JEFFREY, M.D. (G 55097), Beverly Hills, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence in the care and treatment of one patient; repeated negligent acts and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of two patients. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, maintaining a record of all controlled substances ordered, prescribed, dispensed, administered, or possessed and any recommendations or approvals to possess or cultivate marijuana; completing a prescribing practices course, a medical record keeping course, and an ethics course; obtaining a practice monitor; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. April 22, 2021.

STOKER, DAVID ALLEN, M.D. (A 74300), Marina Del Rey, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for inadequately documenting a patient's history and physical. February 26, 2021.

STOLLER, KENNETH PAUL (A 41183), Santa Rosa, CA, Decision and Order

Committed acts of gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and incompetence in the care and treatment of multiple patients. Revoked. March 18, 2021.

STROHECKER, LORRIE ANN, M.D. (A 63964), Mather, CA, Decision and Order

Convicted of a misdemeanor offense of driving with a blood alcohol content in excess of .15%. Physician must complete an ethics course. Public Reprimand. March 10, 2021.

TANENBAUM, BARTON (G 19250), Los Angeles, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, sexual misconduct, and unprofessional conduct in the care and treatment of one patient. Surrender of License. March 5, 2021.

TENENBAUM, STEVEN ARNOLD, M.D. (A 73555), Thousand Oaks, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but was charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of multiple patients; excessively prescribed controlled substances to multiple patients; prescribed without an appropriate prior medical examination or indication; violated statutes regulating dangerous drugs or controlled substances; dishonest or corrupt acts; and unprofessional conduct. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, maintaining a record of all controlled substances ordered, prescribed, dispensed, administered, or possessed and any recommendations or approvals to possess or cultivate marijuana; completing an education course, a prescribing practices course, a medical record keeping course, and an ethics course; obtaining a practice monitor in a professional enhancement program; and submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties. March 18, 2021.

THOENE, JENNIFER (A 66547), Pine Mountain Club, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for breaching the standard of care by inappropriately prescribing multiple controlled substances in the care and treatment of one patient and not appropriately using pain management agreements when prescribing multiple controlled substances in the care and treatment of two patients. April 27, 2021.

TODA, AUDREY CHIHARU, M.D. (A 105188), Union City, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Revoked, stayed, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course; completing a clinical competence assessment program; obtaining a practice monitor; prohibited from engaging in the solo practice of medicine; and submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties. March 19, 2021.

TORRES, ALEX EUGENE (A 48298), San Diego, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with repeated negligent acts, failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records, and unprofessional conduct in the care and treatment of three patients; and violated the Medical Practice Act. Physician has a condition affecting his ability to practice medicine safely. Surrender of License. March 29, 2021.

TOWNSEND, DAVID RAY (G 75851), San Mateo, CA, Decision and Order

Unable to satisfy the terms and conditions of his Board-ordered probation. Surrender of License. February 16, 2021.

TU, THUC BA, M.D. (A 84863), Huntington Beach, CA, Decision and Order

Admitted to gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of multiple patients. Revoked, stayed, placed on three years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing a prescribing practices course and a medical record keeping course; obtaining a practice monitor; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. March 5, 2021.

TURSKI, DEBORAH LOUISE, M.D. (G 39103), Middleton, WI, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for being disciplined by Wisconsin for failing to diagnose breast cancer from a biopsy sample. April 30, 2021.

VANCE, DONALD ALTON, M.D. (C 34997), Bonita, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with repeated negligent acts and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Physician must complete an education course. Public Reprimand. March 10, 2021.

WANG, DANIEL YU, M.D. (A 96792), Hollister, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, incompetence and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Physician must complete an education course and a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. March 4, 2021.

WEEKES, ARNOLD ALDERMANN, M.D. (A 88042), Antioch, CA, Decision and Order

Committed failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of three patients. Physician must complete a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. February 18, 2021.

WEISSBUCH, SANFORD STEPHEN, M.D. (G 37928), Los Angeles, CA, Decision and Order

Physician has a condition affecting his ability to practice medicine safely. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to; may engage in the practice of medicine only in connection with his duties as a fellow at a board-approved fellowship program until completion of a training program; completing a medical record keeping course and an ethics course; submitting proof of notification of Decision and Statement of Issues to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants. March 4, 2021.

WILCOX, DENNIS DREWE, M.D. (A 44471), Las Vegas, NV, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with unprofessional conduct, repeated negligence and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Public Reprimand. February 18, 2021.

WILSON, JENNIFER ANN, M.D. (A 86620), Napa, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with unprofessional conduct, gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, excessive prescribing, prescribing without an appropriate medical examination, and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Physician must complete a prescribing practices course and a medical record keeping course. Public Reprimand. February 18, 2021.

WIN, KENNY C. (A 54498), Temple City, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence and repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of one patient; and violated the Medical Practice Act. Surrender of License. March 19, 2021.

WONG, PETER LAP, M.D. (A 112472), Los Banos, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence in the care and treatment of a patient; repeated negligent acts in the care and treatment of two patients; and unprofessional conduct. Revoked, stayed, placed on thirty-five (35) months' probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course, a medical record keeping course, and an ethics course; obtaining a practice monitor; submitting proof of notification of Decision and First Amended Accusation to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. March 4, 2021.

YANEZ, ALBERTO EDUARDO, M.D. (A 61476), Chino, CA, Decision and Order

Public Letter of Reprimand issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2233 for departing from the standard of care by failing to identify a patient as being at risk for sepsis and taking the appropriate steps. March 25, 2021.

YASSA, NADINE HELMY, M.D. (A 48720), Roseville, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with repeated negligent acts, excessive treatment, and failure to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of three patients; gross negligence in the care and treatment of two patients; and failed to comply with multiple conditions of her Board-ordered probation. Public Reprimand. March 12, 2021.

YIP, JAMES YUEN-KUEN (G 41324), Modesto, CA, Decision and Order

No admissions but charged with gross negligence and repeated negligent acts that led to the death of a fetus. Surrender of License. February 21, 2021.


PORTA, LINDSEY ELIZABETH, M.D. (PTL 5489), Moreno Valley, CA, Decision and Order

Disclosed on her application that she was actively participating in a substance abuse recovery program. Post graduate training license issued on a probationary basis for a period of five years with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, notification to patients of probation status; completing a clinical diagnostic evaluation prior to practicing medicine; notification of employer; submitting to biological fluid testing; attending substance abuse support group meetings; obtaining a worksite monitor for substance-abusing licensees; abstaining from the use of controlled substances and alcohol; attending psychotherapy; prohibited from engaging in the solo practice of medicine; submitting proof of notification of Decision to required parties; and prohibited from supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. February 9, 2021.

SULLIVAN, SAMMIR MICHAEL, M.D. (PTL 5542), Santa Clara, CA, Decision and Order

Deficient in clinical competency and struggled in meeting a training program's requirements in the first three months of his internship, and his medical knowledge was not at a satisfactory level. Reported to the Board that he is actively participating in a substance abuse recovery program. Post graduate training license issued on a probation basis for the duration of training to meet the requirements for a physician's and surgeon's license. Terms and conditions include, but are not limited to, completing a clinical diagnostic evaluation prior to practicing medicine; notification of employer; submitting to biological fluid testing; attending substance abuse support group meetings; obtaining a worksite monitor for substance-abusing licensees; abstaining from the use of controlled substances and alcohol; attending psychotherapy; submitting proof of notification of Decision to required parties. March 4, 2021.

MBC Information and Contacts

Department of Consumer Affairs

Board of California
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200
Sacramento, CA 95815-5401

2021 MBC Meetings

Quarterly Board and Committee Meeting November 17-19, 2021
Midwifery Advisory Council, December 9, 2021
Please visit the Board's Meetings Webpage for updates.

Until further notice, the Board Members will conduct all public meetings pursuant to the provisions of the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20 and in compliance with the Bagley Keene Open Meeting Act, via online meeting applications or telephone conferences.

Contact Us:

Business and Professions Code Section 2021(b) and (c) require physicians to inform the Medical Board in writing of any name or address change. Visit our website to learn more.

Medical Board of California, Executive Director - Bill Prasifka

Third Quarter Edition, Medical Board of California News, Emmalee Ross, Designer and Editor in Chief, 916-263-2480.

Contact us