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During the renewal process, the Board is required to obtain data from every physician with a California license (Business and Professions Code sections 803.1, 2425.1, and 2425.3). The data collected includes, but is not limited to, activities in medicine, specialty, practice status, zip code of primary practice location, cultural background, and foreign language fluency. The survey must be completed online using BreEZe Online Services or mailed back to the Board. The data collected is available on the Board's website. However, data regarding foreign language fluency and ethnic background will only be available with consent of the physician.
The goal of the survey is to gain a better understanding of the physician workforce in California, to address physician access issues, assist patients to find physicians who will meet their needs, and identify physician shortages. While the Board knows how many licensed physicians reside in the state, there is little information regarding the time that is spent in actual clinical practice, the location, or specialty of that practice. Data collected will increase an understanding of the state's need in the areas of language, numbers of specialists, and other physician workforce characteristics.
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