Expert Reviewer Program
Do you have what it takes to be an Expert Reviewer for the Medical Board of California?
Role of an Expert Reviewer
- Reviews facts independently and impartially.
- Provides clinical expertise and testimony regarding complaints about the practice of medicine.
- Establishes whether or not a departure from the standard of care occurred.
- Assists investigators, prosecutors, and administrative law judges in understanding the medical aspects of a case.
- Simplifies complexity and clearly articulates findings and the basis for opinions to lay persons throughout the disciplinary process.
- Complies with Board requirements when performing reviews or evaluations.
- Able to complete and submit a written opinion within 30 days of receipt of case materials.
An Expert Reviewer is NOT an advocate for the Medical Board or the respondent physician.
I joined the Expert Reviewer Program to offer my experience in the area of peer review in my field of family medicine. I wanted to perform a service for the State of California.
Qualities of a Successful Expert Reviewer
- Objective, fair, and unbiased.
- Understands the standard of care in the community.
- Effective communicator, both when testifying and in writing reports.
- Accessible and cooperative.
- Able to maintain confidentiality.
It is an honor to have worked as a medical expert reviewer for over a decade. I am passionate about patient safety and improving medical outcomes. This is a perfect opportunity to make tangible improvements in critical areas of general medicine.
Minimum requirements to participate in the Expert Reviewer Program:
- Current California physician and surgeon license in good standing.
- No prior discipline.
- No pending accusation.
- No complaint history within the last three years.
- Current board certification by one of the 24 approved American Boards of Medical Specialties or by boards recognized by the Medical Board of California (Board), which include the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, American Board of Pain Medicine, American Board of Sleep Medicine, and American Board of Spine Surgery.
- Minimum of three years of practice in the specialty area after board certification.
- Current active practice in California (defined as at least 80 hours a month in direct patient care, clinical activity, or teaching-at least 40 hours of which is in direct patient care).
- Must be willing and available to testify at administrative hearings.
I participate in the Expert Reviewer Program because I want to help improve medical care for elderly health care consumers in California.
Immunity from Liability:
Civil Code Section 43.8 provides immunity from civil liability for expert reviewers acting within the scope of their duties in evaluating and testifying in cases brought before the Board.
Business and Professions Code Section 2316 states the Office of the Attorney General will provide representation in connection with specialty board disciplinary proceedings, should a complaint be filed.
Business and Professions Code Section 2317 provides for defense by the Office of the Attorney General and indemnity by the Board if the expert reviewer is named in a civil action directly resulting from opinions and testimony provided on the Board's behalf.
Because medicine is an ever-changing profession, reviewers must have experience with the treatment or procedure involved during the time frame of the alleged misconduct.
The Expert Reviewer Program not only allows me to share my experience as an obstetrician/gynecologist, it enables me to reflect on the type of care I can provide to my own patients. Likewise, it helps me reflect on how I teach my residents, the future doctors of California.
Being an active medical expert allows me to sustain the integrity of medicine, assuring that colleagues practice quality medicine and adhere to the standard of care.
Compensations for Physicians and Surgeons
Task | Rate |
Case Review | $150 per hour |
Report Preparation | $150 per hour |
Consultation with Legal/Investigative Team | $150 per hour |
Testimony | $200 per hour |
Travel expenses paid at current state reimbursement rate.
The mission of the Medical Board of California is to protect health care consumers through the proper licensing and regulation of physicians and surgeons and certain allied health care professions and through the vigorous, objective enforcement of the Medical Practice Act, and to promote access to quality medical care through the Board's licensing and regulatory functions.
If you have any questions, please email the Medical Board of California.
Please visit the Expert Reviewer Program section of the website for additional information.