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An online library of the Board's various forms, publications, brochures, alerts, statistics, and medical resources.

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Public Information

Bulk Data

Public information in bulk is available from the Medical Board of California regarding physicians and surgeons as well as outpatient surgery settings. The Board has developed a free public database in Microsoft Access 2007+ format, which is available to interested parties.

The data is in a relational table format allowing you to build your own queries. The physician and surgeon database is refreshed every Tuesday morning while the outpatient surgery setting database is refreshed the first day of each month. To view an example of the public information available for each group, see the below.

Please Note: The licensee's email address and telephone number are deemed confidential and are not publicly disclosed by the Board. Additionally, the Board does not collect the National Provider Identifier (NPI) relating to its licensees, thus, no NPI information is available from the Board.

Available Datasets

Files will be made available to requestors via the BOX file sharing platform. After the Board processes the request, an invitation from will be sent to the email address submitted in the below form. Check "junk" and "trash" folders or contact your technical support for assistance if the invitation is not received within 24 hours. A compression software to open the .zip file is also required.

To request a user account to either database, complete the below form:

Public License Data Application Programmer Interface (API):

Public information is also available through an API which is coordinated by the Board with the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA). The API provides the same public license information available through the DCA Search system in real-time. It lets users query the data in a license by license record process, thus, it works best when using a "known list" of license numbers to retrieve data about. Currently, the documentation is minimal on how to use the API, thus, a demonstration of how it works is required. After the API account is created by DCA, a one-hour demonstration of the database with Board staff and the requestor will be scheduled as soon as possible. To request access to the API, complete the below form: