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License Verification System (LVS)

The License Verification System (LVS). The database was developed to provide authorized users with the ability to perform a search of Board records to determine whether a Health Facility/Peer Review Reporting Form (805 report) has been filed against a physician or podiatrist.

Explore each of the tabs below to learn more about LVS and to request access to the system.

 Login into LVS

General Information

LVS is a subscription service available to staff of independent practitioner associations (IPA), hospitals, managed care organizations (MCO), health maintenance organizations (HMO), health care facilities, and any health care facility licensed by the CDPH, health care service plan or medical care foundation, the medical staff of the institution, a facility certified to participate in the federal Medicare Program as an ambulatory surgical center, or an accredited outpatient surgery setting responsible for verifying the credentials of physicians or podiatrists.

Information contained in LVS is considered by the Joint Commission to be the primary source verification of the Board's license records. The license information is updated in real time and the data is current as of the date posted at the bottom of the screen.

Authorized users may obtain information from the LVS about whether the Board has received any reports that the physician has been denied staff privileges or had those privileges removed or restricted. Business and Professions Code section 805.5 requires that any health care facility licensed pursuant to Division 2 (commencing with Section 1200) of the Health and Safety Code, any health care service plan or medical care foundation, the medical staff of the institution, a facility certified to participate in the federal Medicare Program as an ambulatory surgical center, or an outpatient setting accredited pursuant to 1248.1 of the Health and Safety Code request this information from the Board before granting or renewing a physician's or podiatrist's staff privileges.

California Business and Professions Code section 805.5(b) prohibits the Board from disseminating a copy of an 805 report if:

  1. Denial, removal, or restriction was imposed solely because of the failure to complete medical records; or
  2. The Board has found the information reported is without merit; or
  3. A period of three years has elapsed since the report was submitted.

Eligibility Requirements

The facilities and organizations authorized to request 805 reports are as follows:

Facilities and organizations required to check a licensee for an 805 report may opt to utilize a third-party credentialing service. The credentialing service must verify their clients are eligible to access the LVS system and receive copies of 805 reports.

Request Access

Those eligible to become an LVS user must complete either a License Verification System Subscription form or a License Verification System Subscription - Credentialing Services form. To renew authorized access to LVS, the License Verification System Subscription form must be completed.

Mail completed forms to:

Medical Board of California
License Verification System
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200
Sacramento, CA 95815
Attention: Benjamin Rodriguez

Note: By signing either License Verification System Subscription form, the Organization and Responsible User further agree to use all precautions to assure the information is not disclosed to any unauthorized person(s) and/or unauthorized user(s).

If you can no longer access the LVS system, please complete a new License Verification System (LVS) Subscription System form and mail it to the address above. The subscription form has been amended to require license information if access to 805 report information is being requested. Failure to provide this information may delay the approval of your request.

For questions, please contact us.